Please help anyone I bought this and I tried and tried but it still doesnt work Im not gonna go and down on your app or ask for my money back I just want to figure out how this works and thank you
Please help anyone I bought this and I tried and tried but it still doesnt work Im not gonna go and down on your app or ask for my money back I just want to figure out how this works and thank you
I turn on plug then I go to minecraft pe and go into a world but then when I do .h nothing happens please help me :(
Why cant I get it to work?
im not able to open into my minecraft i did the help part but still wont help
Im doing what the app says but when i type .h it doesnt do anything
I downloaded this because it advertised as having a command for flying. I have two complaints centered around this app, and the first one is the fact that it didnt work, unlike a second molar app that I already had downloaded. No matter what I tried,it didnt work. Secondly and finally I am pretty sure that they copied a large amount of text from the other app, and they might also have taken code. Those are my complaints.
This is a fake it doesnt work total bs you can waste your money but just a warning that it does not fricking work so it is total bs bs DONT By it!!!!!!! That is why it gets 1 star and the servers dont even work again its bs
Whenever I get on Minecraft the commands wont work
this was the worst waste of money i have ever spent money on it sais its compatible with iOS 5.1 it dont work for ipad 5.1.1 instead it shows some block man for 3 to 6 seconds and then the app fails dont waste your money on this if you own iOS 5.1.1 oh and if the creator of this app sees this review you you disappoint me and i expect better.
I would LOVE to use this in my single player world, except wont let me. I have Bluetooth turned on, but it still wont work. I did everything it told me to do, too. I really wish it would work :(
I just got this today and I tried everything and it doesnt work so dont get it and those pictures that you see there are the creators of this app just typing those words in so if you get it and need a list of commands .h does .nothing.
I dont understand!? I have an iPhone 4s with a wifi connection and I have iOS 8.1 and I am doing all of the steps but it wont work! I just want my money back.
I followed the directions but it still doesnt work.please fix this!
I was having problems with my other minecraft app so I got this one but it wont work do not get this app!!!!
omg, I was so exited to play with commands, but its freaking BULL CRAP!! Every time I try to save commands it doesnt let me! I keep trying and trying but nope!! Ugh I wasted $1.99
I would give 5 s but it dosnt work for Minecraft pocket edition version 0.11.00
Can I please get my money back it doesnt work. :(((
I tried it, but the commands have no effect. I dont find this app very helpful.
As much as I try, and as much as I read the instructions on the app itself, it never works! When I tried to use it when I was playing on multiplayer for Minecraft PE, I tried it 5 times yesterday and 3 times today, and it only worked once and that was yesterday and I didnt even get to use it. I dont know if this is a glitch or bug, but if it is, please fix it :( I just really wanna have PC experience because my PC is slow! Please help and tell what to do just in case Im doing it wrong. I open the app, open Minecraft PE, and then. ISO onto multiplayer for Minecraft PE. If you guys know how to do it, please help. Thanks :)